[CKA] Mock Exam 3 풀이

고슴도치 엔지니어 2022. 2. 28. 14:57

1. Create a new service account with the name pvviewer. Grant this Service account access to list all PersistentVolumes in the cluster by creating an appropriate cluster role called pvviewer-role and ClusterRoleBinding called pvviewer-role-binding.

  • ServiceAccount: pvviewer
  • ClusterRole: pvviewer-role
  • ClusterRoleBinding: pvviewer-role-binding
  • Pod: pvviewer
  • Pod configured to use ServiceAccount pvviewer ?


Configure Service Accounts for Pods

A service account provides an identity for processes that run in a Pod. Note: This document is a user introduction to Service Accounts and describes how service accounts behave in a cluster set up as recommended by the Kubernetes project. Your cluster admi


# pvview 라는 service account 만들고 PV에 list 권한을 주고, pvviewer-role 이라는 cluster role 만들고

pvviewer-role-binding이라는 cluster role binding 만들어서 바인딩해라.


$ kubectl create serviceaccount pvviewer


$ kubectl create clusterrole pviviewer-role --resource=persistentvolumes --verb=list


$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding pvviewer-role-binding --clusterrole=pvviewer-role --serviceaccount=default:pvviewer


$ kubectl run pvviewer --image=redis --dry-run=client -o yaml > pvviewer.yaml

$ vi pvviewer.yaml


apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  name: pvviewer



  - image: redis

    name: pvviewer

  serviceAccountName: pvviewer


$ kubectl apply -f pvviewer.yaml


2. List the InternalIP of all nodes of the cluster. Save the result to a file /root/CKA/node_ips


$ kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.item[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="ExternalIP")].address}'


# CheatSeet에서 따온거 Internal IP로 변경

$ kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.item[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")].address}' > /root/node_ips


3. Create a pod called multi-pod with two containers.

Container 1, name: alpha, image: nginx
Container 2: name: beta, image: busybox, command: sleep 4800

Environment Variables:
container 1:
name: alpha

Container 2:
name: beta


  • Pod Name: multi-pod
  • Container 1: alpha
  • Container 2: beta
  • Container beta commands set correctly?
  • Container 1 Environment Value Set
  • Container 2 Environment Value Set

$ kubectl run alpha --image=nginx --dry-run=client -o yaml > multi-pod.yaml


$ vi multi-pod.yaml


apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  creationTimestamp: null
    run: alpha
  name: multi-pod
  - image: nginx
    name: alpha
    - name: name
      value: alpha
  - image: busybox
    name: beta
    command: ["sleep", "4800"]
    - name: name
      value: beta
  dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
  restartPolicy: Always
status: {}


$ kubectl apply -f multi-pod.yaml



4. Create a Pod called non-root-pod, image: redis:alpine

runAsUser: 1000

fsGroup: 2000

  • Pod non-root-pod fsGroup configured
  • Pod non-root-pod runAsUser configured

$ kubectl run non-root-pod --image=redis:alpine --dry-run -o yaml > non-root-pod.yaml


$ vi non-root-pod.yaml

apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  name: non-root-pod



    runAsUser: 1000

    fsGroup: 2000


  - name: non-root-pod

    image: redis:alpine


      allowPrivilegeExcalation: false


$ kubectl apply -f non-root-pod.yaml


5. We have deployed a new pod called np-test-1 and a service called np-test-service. Incoming connections to this service are not working. Troubleshoot and fix it. Create NetworkPolicy, by the name ingress-to-nptest that allows incoming connections to the service over port 80.


Important: Don't delete any current objects deployed

  • Important: Don't Alter Existing Objects!
  • NetworkPolicy: Applied to All sources (Incoming traffic from all pods)?
  • NetWorkPolicy: Correct Port?
  • NetWorkPolicy: Applied to correct Pod?

$ kubectl get svc 



$ kubectl describe svc np-test-service

$ kubectl get networkpolicies



$ kubectl describe netpol default-deny

Name:         default-deny
Namespace:    default
Created on:   2022-03-06 05:59:40 +0000 UTC
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
  PodSelector:     <none> (Allowing the specific traffic to all pods in this namespace)
  Allowing ingress traffic:
    <none> (Selected pods are isolated for ingress connectivity)
  Not affecting egress traffic
  Policy Types: Ingress


# 확인해보면 모든 인그레스 트래픽이 거부 인 것을 알 수 있다.

# 새로운 port 80이 허용된 network policy를 만들자.


$ kubectl get pod


# 먼저 pod를 확인해서 어떤 pod에 연결해야 하는지 확인.


$ kubectl get netpol default-deny -o yaml > netpol.yaml

$ vi netpol.yaml

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: ingress-to-nptest
  namespace: default
      run: np-test-1
  - ports:
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80
  - Ingress


$ kubectl apply -f netpol.yaml


# 만들어진 network policy를 테스트 하기위해 임의의 Pod를 실행시키고, Pod 안에서 연결테스트.

$ kubectl run test-np --image=busybox:1.28 --rm -it -- sh

/ # nc -z -v -w 2 np-test-service 80

np-test-service ( open

# nc는 netcat -z는 연결시 바로 닫는 옵션, -v는 verbose, -w 2 는 timeout 시간을 2초로.






6. Taint the worker node node01 to be Unschedulable. Once done, create a pod called dev-redis, image redis:alpine to ensure workloads are not scheduled to this worker node. Finally, create a new pod called prod-redis and image redis:alpine with toleration to be scheduled on node01.

key: env_type, value: production,

operator: Equal and effect: NoSchedule

  • Key = env_type
  • Value = production
  • Effect = NoSchedule
  • pod 'dev-redis' (no tolerations) is not scheduled on node01?
  • Create a pod 'prod-redis' to run on node01

# Taint 설정으로 node01이 스케줄링 되지 않게하고, dev-redis라는 Pod를 redis:alpine 이미지를 이용해 생성한다음 workernode에 스케줄되지 않는것을 확인하라. 마지막으로 prod-redis라는 pod를 생성해서 toleration을 이용해 node01에 스케줄 되도록하라.


$ kubectl get nodes -o wide

# node들 목록 확인.


$ kubectl taint nodes node01 env_type=production:NoSchedule

# node01에 taint를 걸어서 env_type값이 production:NoSchedule로 바뀌게 한다.


$ kubectl describe nodes node01 | grep -i taint

# taint 옵션이 노드에 적용되었는지 확인 한다.


$ kubectl run dev-redis --image=redis:alpine

$ kubectl get pod -o wide

# 테스트용 pod 생성후 node01에 스케줄되지 않은 것 확인.


$ kubectl run prod-redis --image=redis:alpine --dry-run=client -o yaml > prod-redis.yaml

$ vi prod-redis.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    run: prod-redis
  name: prod-redis
  - image: redis:alpine
    name: prod-redis
  - effect: NoSchedule
    key: env_type
    value: production
    operator: Equal


$ kubectl apply -f prod-redis.yaml

$ kubectl get pod -o wide

# node01에 prod-redis가 스케줄링 된 것 확인.



7. Create a pod called hr-pod in hr namespace belonging to the production environment and frontend tier.


Use appropriate labels and create all the required objects if it does not exist in the system already.

  • hr-pod labeled with environment production?
  • hr-pod labeled with tier frontend?

$ kubectl get ns

$ kubectl create namespace hr

$ kubectl run hr-pod -n hr --image=redis:alpine --labels=environment=production,tier=frontend

$ kubectl get pods -n hr --show-labels


8. A kubeconfig file called super.kubeconfig has been created under /root/CKA. There is something wrong with the configuration. Troubleshoot and fix it.

  • Fix /root/CKA/super.kubeconfig

$ cd /root/CKA

$ kubectl cluster-info --kubeconfig=/root/CKA/super.kubeconfig

# 확인해보면 포트가 9999로 되어 있는것을 확인 6443으로 고쳐준다.

$ vi super.kubeconcfig



9. We have created a new deployment called nginx-deploy. scale the deployment to 3 replicas. Has the replica's increased? Troubleshoot the issue and fix it.

  • deployment has 3 replicas

$ kubectl scale deployment nginx-deploy --replicas=3


$ kubectl get delployment

# 레플리카 값을 3을 줘도 여전히 1/3로 Pod 개수가 늘어나지 않는 것을 확인할 수 있다.

# taint 문제는 아니다.


$ kubectl get pod -n kube-system

# kube-controller-manager Pod가 ImagePullBackOff 상태로 걸려있는것 확인.


$ cd /etc/kubernetes/manifest

$ vi kube-contoller-manager.yaml

# 잘 보면 contoller 부분이 conro1ler로 알파벳 l 하나가 숫자 1로 잘못 적혀있는것을 확인 할 수 있다.

# 총 5개의 contol1er를 고쳐주면 되는것으로 보인다.


$ kubectl get pod -n kube-system

$ kubectl get deployment

# Pod 3개 잘 뜨는것 확인.